Dr. Elizabeth Langran
Elizabeth Langran, Ph.D. taught secondary and post-secondary students in the U.S, Morocco (as a Peace Corps volunteer), and Switzerland before pursuing her Ph.D. in Instructional Technology at the University of Virginia. Her dissertation, Technology Leadership: How Principals, Technology Coordinators, and Technology Interact in K-12 Schools is available from LearnTechLib (link: https://www.learntechlib.org/p/36178/).
Since 2003, she has been educating and mentoring pre- and in-service teachers. Her educational technology work has taken her to many international locations for collaborative projects including to Nicaragua, India, central Asia, Senegal, South Africa, Botswana, Bermuda, China, and Uganda. He
r research interests (link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elizabeth-Langran-2) include digital equity, technology and teacher education, global citizenship, and geospatial technology. Her co-authored book, Navigating Place-based Learning: Mapping for a Better World, was published in November, 2020 by Palgrave Macmillan (link: https://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9783030556723). Dr. Langran is currently serving a 3-year term as the president of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (link: https://site.aace.org/).
You can follow her on Twitter @elangran (link: https://twitter.com/elangran).